methods 2 week 11


  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
How is different rock created and measured? 
I was not able to be in class because I was stranded back home but after looking over the slides and chatting with classmates I learned that we learned about...
  • Different sand is created:
  • Can be created from water, ice and wind. 
  • Erosion can happen because of water, wind and glaciers. 
  • Erosion causes rock and landscapes to look different such as arches in land forms, smoothing or making jagged edges. 
  • We also learned about super position and how we can identify ages of rock, the farther we dig back the older the rock is. 
  1. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
  • We started with a lab that involved figuring out what cans of different liquid sank or float. 
  • We then read a book Archimedes and the Door of Science. 
  • We then learned about Archimedes law which is Specific Gravity = W (air)/(W (air)))
  • Found the hollowness of geodes. 
  • Broke open a geode to see of our math was correct- it was! 
  • Crystal Cave in Mexico is a huge, the largest geode. 
  • Iowa's geodes happen in limestone. 
  1. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
    1. What did you learn?
"Climate Change IS the challenge of our collective lifetimes. Lack of knowledge, heads in the sand, or the inability to teach are not acceptable."
"Climate Change IS the challenge of our collective lifetimes. Lack of knowledge, heads in the sand, or the inability to teach are not acceptable."
    1. What was most helpful?
The movie, "Before the Flood" Very important, more info on my hw document but it was so interesting and heartbreaking. 
    1. What do you need more information on?
The difference between climate change and global warming. 
    1. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
I would like to learn more about the garden of earthly delights and the significance of it. 


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