methods 2 week 2

 Science Methods II
Week 2

Grace Stutting

  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
"How can we ensure that a race is exciting?"
We were able to go off this question in a fun way! We as table groups were able to come up with diverse ideas to ensure a race that included a sorts of ways would be fun and exciting. We were able to use things like running, walking, rolling in a chair, crawling, speed walking or whatever mode of transportation. 
This was a very important lab because we were able to create a way that there is still excitement in races when it is evident that not all people are the same speed when running. 
  1. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
In lecture this week we learned the importance of measurement, time and speed. This in very important when it comes to units, there are imperial which we use in the US but there is also metric that is used in other countries but it is important for our students to understand both. We also looked at the NGSS and were able to reflect on DCIs, CCCs and SEPs. These are very valuable when it comes to science classes and how we are able to conduct informational and relevant. 
    1. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading
      1. What did you learn?
During this reading we learned the benefits of describing and measuring units. This is important when it comes to teaching students because not only will they understand the correlation of distance and motion but it also teaches us how movement and time can ensure safety. 
      1. What was most helpful?
I found that the most helpful part of this reading what learning how their are many units of metrics and how far scientists have come to create the realization that there are many units and many ways of finding answers so we as teachers are able to teach these concepts in many ways. 
      1. What do you need more information on?
i would say having more information on the equations of each question would be beneficial. It can get confusing for me to find the answer to some of these questions so not just memorizing but learning the equations and when to use what one would be very helpful. 
      1. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
I would like to do more problem solving and story problems to practice more. 
I question how to teach when we have to convert from metric to imperial and how to elaborate and explain that. 
Overall, I learned so much already!


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