Methods 2 Week 4

 Methods II
Week 4

Grace Stutting☺☺

  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
how long it takes aWhat affects how long it takes a swing to go back and forth? 
I was not present in lab due to a funeral but after looking over the presentation and chatting with peers I learned that we investigated the way swings move back and forth along with how gravity pulls the same things are the same force. The video we watched shot at NASA we were able to see this first hand which was very exciting to see a heavy ball and feather land at the same time when dropped at the same time. 
  1. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
I was not able to attend lab or lecture because of a funeral out of town:( After looking through the lecture slides and doing the readings I found information on Newtons Laws of motion which have always been confusing to me but I understand more now. I wish I could be physically present because the lecture went into great detail about the experiments ran in lab. I was able to do the simulations online which were very interesting and helped me understand even if I could not do the real investigation. 
  1. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
    1. What did you learn?
Length of a swing affects speed, shorter swing or string goes faster than a longer because the strides are different. 
    1. What was most helpful?
Seeing the different videos and simulations to see how this works first hand. 
    1. What do you need more information on?
Are there different heights or lengths of swings for safety reasons at parks? 
    1. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
I would like to see the different sizes of swings at different places or how the creators of these swings determine the sizes. 


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