Methods 2- Week 8

  • The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
We taught each other about the different parts of space and the universe. 
Origin of the Universe: 
- The Big Bang Theory is what most astronomers believe is how the universe was created. 
- In less than a second we saw the expansion and then from there there became light, organisms, and galaxy came. 
- There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on every beach combined. 
- Edwin Hubble discovered the Universe is constantly expanding. 
Life Cycle of Stars:
- A stars life depends on it's mass: the larger the mass, the shorter the life. 
- Stars are formed by gas and dust --- hydrogen and helium.
- Sun is a main sequence star. 
- Earliest stars date back to 1534 BC.
- Consists of stars, planets, and vast clouds of dust all bound together by gravity. 
- There are many different mythologies that have their own theories as to why there is galaxies and how they became a thing. 
- Even at the speed of light, it would take 100,000 years to travel the Milky Way. 
Origin of the Earth
- 4.65 million years old. 
- Not from the Big Bang Theory
- Happened from something living, dying-- then the earth was made. 
- Molten lava was covering earth-- Thea hit this and created the moon when it send a chunk into orbit and stayed in rotation causing the moon.
Black Holes
- Below the surface of a black hole the gravity is so strong, nothing can escape it. 
- Einstein developed the general theory of relativity. 
- Are not black, a slight haze.  
- 2019 was the first time a black hole was photographed. 
- High mass, low volume
- Humans would lose time and be stretched out so much they would look like spaghetti. 
Space Travel
- Last person who was on the moon was in 1972. 
- Elon Musk believes we could make Mars habitable. 
- The last few decades the only space travel is with different satellites to orbit and retrieve information. 
  • A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture
Total Eclipse will be happening on April 8th, 2024. 
We then discussed the Big Bang:
- People are looking for the "God Particle" 
- Everything was inflated, not an explosion. 
- The big bang can be broken down by scientists to fractions of seconds showing the different atoms and molecule being created and coming to together. 
- Nuclear Fusion- a bunch of atoms came together making helium which creates stars. 
- There are many alternative ways how these things happened. 
Then we learned about stars more in depth: 
- 300,000 years after the big bang was when stars began to light up. 
- Sun is most likely from a start that went through supernova. 
- Stars can go up to 26 IRON (Fe) on the periodic table.
- Sun has mass but as it burns out, it decreases and gravity decreases and will not be able to hold together and inflates and when it inflates too much it blows up. 
- During a stars explosion is when the other elements were created. 
Then, we learned about the origin of the earth: 
- Earth was created 4.65 billion years ago, 
- Did not have a happen during the big bang
- When the sun lit, it most likely exploded the dust and debris.
- The iron core is what keeps the sun radiation from killing us. 
- Thea hit the earth and parts of the moon and Thea combined to create the moon.  
2 pieces of evidence that the sun before our sun was bigger than the sun we have now:
1. Bigger suns live a shorter life cycle- sun before lives max 8 billion years, our sun is halfway through a 10 billion year life span
2. Undergo a supernova to make elements greater than 26 on the periodic table. 
  • Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
    • What did you learn?
The Big Bang was more of an expansion even though with it being called "bang" we think of it has an explosion. 
We as people are made from star dust
    • What was most helpful?
I learn really well from the photos: 
the to- scale images of the planets
along with the life cycle of stars. 
Having images along with the information helps me understand what I am reading. 
    • What do you need more information on?
During the part about the moon, I was confused how each side is different, I understand how they are different because of one side not facing the earth but wouldn't the galaxy have an effect? Or how is there not more damage or more visible differences on the side of the moon that faces earth. 
    • What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
I see that there are millions of suns of in the black hole Sagittarius? How are they suns in a black hole and how do we know they are even there? 


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