Week 7

 Week 7 Blog

Grace Stutting

      1.What did you do in lab today?

We went over the reading and private universe video which is crazy to realize how little math students know. 

We made a replica sun and 4 inner planets to scale. This was interesting because we did not think when we made it to scale how small some planets like Mercury and earth would be. 

During this activity we were able to use the entire TLC and we had no idea we would need that much room when our earth was only 2.7 mm. 

        2.What was the big question?

How big is our galaxy/ solar system, sun, moon, planets, earth?

        3.What did you learn in Thursday’s discussion?

- We talked to Ellen from the school of the wild.

- Went through phases and how the moon became itself. 

- The moon came from Thea hitting earth and bursting into pieces where the moon got stuck in space in rotation. 

2. Read the online textbook

       1.What did you learn?

Pluto is not a planet

The solar system is very far away and the planets within are not close to eachother

The sizes are very different of each planet

       2.What was most helpful?

The video of the student doing a to-scale solar system. It really showed how far the planets are from each other and the size difference of the planets. 

       3.What do you need more information on?

During the 2nd video in the reading they talk about how small we are in comparison to the planets and galaxies. I would like to know how we know their are more galaxies than our own. 

3.What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

This really makes me believe there is life other than humans on planet earth and I would like to see scientists along with their thinking. 


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