Week 6: Earth Sun Moon

      1.What did you do in lab today?

New learning/ best answers we have:

- How do the phases of the moon occur?: the orbit creating a shadow that gets bigger or smaller. 

- What causes seasons?: Earths orbit around the sun making different parts of the world hotter or colder at different. 

- What causes a lunar eclipse?: the sun and moon lining up perfectly. 

- We learned about how there are eclipses when the sun moon and earth are in a direct line, ex. sun- earth- moon or earth - sun - moon. 

We did an investigation and discussion about the earth, moon and sun rotation. 

  • sun takes one year to orbit the earth
  • moon phase is 28 days
  • the earth spins one full time per day. 
  • closest to the sun on jan 6
  • sun farthest from us on July 6
  • the earths tilt is what gives us seasons: if we were not tilted, there would only be sunlight on the equator. 
We also learned about the history of moon phases and how we got to the point we are today about the orbit of the sun. 
- This is how women menstruate and "sink up" 
- There were many scientists that tried to prove phenomenons that were not listened to, afraid to speak out and even in-prisoned for their theories that turned out to be true. 

        2.What was the big question?

Why are their seasons?

What are eclipses? 

What are the moon phases? 

        3.What did you learn in Thursday’s discussion?

- Moon Phases

- Seasons

- Why different places are hotter or colder than others. 

- basically a recap from Lab with more graphs and outsiders thinking along with how we think and know about these concepts. 

2. Read the online textbook, chapter 5 https://pressbooks.uiowa.edu/methodsii/chapter/earth/

       1.What did you learn?

We learned about the sun, earth and moon phases and the way they orbit creating eclipses. 

"As Earth orbits around the Sun, different areas receive direct or indirect sunlight due to the tilt of Earth on its axis. This is what causes seasons.

Earth’s distance away from the Sun does not cause the seasons.

The tropic lines, equator, arctic circle all mark areas of specific direct sunlight"

(These are all important facts from the article I want to remember and really know)

       2.What was most helpful?

The most helpful part of this lab was learning how to learn on our own, what I mean by this is the way there are shadows because of the suns orbit/ eclipses we are able to see this by using a flashlight and an object that will show where are shadow is and in class we learned why this is. 

       3.What do you need more information on?

I asked a lot of questions in class because this for some reason is all new to me, something that did confuse me and still does in a way is why does the earths tilt affect seasons so much and what would happen if it did become an equilibrium? Would other things, not only seasons change? 

3.What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

This week already was interesting to a point where I was not only intrigued but learned so much. 

It is crazy to think that these ideas are just now being taught to me, I cannot wait to be able to teach these things to my future students!


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