Methods 2 Week 3

 Grace Stutting

Week 3

  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
This week in Lab we learned about the big question of, "What affects a rider's speed down a slide?"
     To answer this we did an activity where each group could use different variables to see what affects the speed. My group did weight. We found that there is really no correlation to weight and speed going down a slide. 

  1. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
We learned about force and friction along with how things move. We looked through different variables and what shows friction and what does not. This was a bit confusing to me because there is diverse types of friction that made some of the decisions hard to make. We also learned about forces of friction and how it acts in different ways, ex. up, down, opposing direction. This is all very interesting to me and was definitely more valuable to my learning to see images and arrows. We also went over the experiments we conducted in lab which was very interesting because things were not how we believed it would happen. 
  1. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
  2. What did you learn?
We learned about force, Newtons laws of motion, why and how things move. 
  1. What was most helpful?
Seeing in in simpler terms than we did in elementary school. What I mean by this is one part of the reading said, "For example, if we apply the same amount of force to a shopping cart loaded with groceries versus a empty cart, the loaded cart will move more slowly than the empty cart." This was very beneficial because sure, we can look at the definitions of the laws of motions but seeing examples and how they are used is very important. 
  1. What do you need more information on?
How would we conduct a summative assessment over this information in a way that shows what students learned but not just memorization of let's say, Newtons Laws of Motion. 
  1. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
One question I have is from lecture about the friction forces, I would like to see this more with more visuals. Even seeing a video or pictures would be valuable. 


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