Week One Blog


  1. What did you learn this week?
I was not able to attend class this first lab but as I looked through the syllabus and lab 1 presentation I became very excited for this course. I have never been the best at science but I have always wanted to be a teacher so learning in ways to teach science is very exciting. Of course, I knew science was within all we do in our everyday lives but it was so interesting to see just how important and used science is when we take a deeper look. I have always wondered by there is moisture on the outside of a can or drinking class but never understood why. It was with this powerpoint and my research that I figured this out. It is beyond interesting to know how the air around us holds moisture and the temperature of something like a cold soda are able to react to create water droplets. 
  1. Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew?
I was able to relate the plunger information into my real life. I was once babysitting and there happened to be a clogged toilet. I have been lucky enough not to have experienced this but I was in charge and needed to do something about it. I began plunging the toilet while flushing and if you could guess it started over filling. It was a terrible time but I learned how the suction creates a vacuum to bring the water down and I was reversing this by trying to flush while plunge. 
  1. Which parts did you find clear and which were confusing?
I was most confused about the difference in diet and regular coke sinking and floating. This surprised me most, I would have thought all drinks in a container sunk. I did know most of these reactions to different things and outside factors but it was very interesting to learn why and how these things happen. 


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